About Waverton Precinct

What is the Waveton Precinct?

WHAT-IS-THE-WAVERTON-PRECINCT-Precinct-MapSince the 1970’s, North Sydney Council have divided the entire council area into “precincts” and by actively supporting community groups in each precinct, the Council can provide feedback, gather ideas, priortise projects, provide timely communications and generally support resident goals and keep them informed.

While North Sydney Council does not have any active involvement in the day-to-day running of the precincts, they do oversee the processes, provide funding, sets boundaries, and require us to have AGMs and Minuted meetings. The Precinct Committees are run by residents. Individual Precinct Committee meeting comments are reported to and considered by Council as part of its decision-making process. Overall co-ordination of all the precincts is through a forum known as the Combined Precincts Committee who meet regularly.

Anyone who is a local resident can join their local Precinct Committee to share views on a range of topics and to help inform Council of community opinion on projects, plans and proposals.

Precinct Committees are one of many ways that Council stays abreast of community opinion and maintains two-way communications between community members and Council staff and Councillors.

In the words of the North Sydney Council website in relation to community engagement: “Community engagement has become an essential part of government planning, policy development and service delivery. It improves the quality of decisions and is an important part of being responsive to community and stakeholder needs.” Precincts also encourage social interaction within the local community by coordinating events.

The aim of Waverton Precinct is to continue to provide a platform which allows its residents to participate in the democratic life of our area, from the most modest DA to the largest proposed incursions into our public spaces, freedoms and lifestyles.

More about the Precinct system can be located at:

Waverton has had an active community throughout its history. It was the local community who pressed to save Balls Head from industrial and housing development in the 1930s. The next generation of residents had a similar victory in gaining Carradah Park from the old BP site in the 1990s, and more recently fended off a proposed oversized marina and a floating dry dock.

Committee - Office Holders

Office holders for 2024

Office holders are voted for by residents at the Annual General Meeting in December of each year. However, if you wish to become involved, get in touch with one of the current Committee members as we are always keen to welcome additional members.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM is held on the first Tuesday of December every year, in the Coal Loader Mess Hall at 7.30pm .All offices are vacated and a new Committee elected.
The current Committee welcomes any Waverton resident, new to the area or longer established, who wishes to become involved to come forward even before the AGM to chat about how they would like to contribute. Simply go to the Contact Us page or find us on Facebook (Waverton Precinct) and start the conversation.

Monthly Meeting

The first Tuesday evening of every Month, from February to November.
Uniting Church Hall
75 Bay Road, Waverton.
All Welcome.

Our December meeting is our AGM and is typically held at the Coal Loader Mess Hall, at 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of December.
There is no meeting in January.

For the previous meetings minutes, please visit the Past Minutes page.

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